Monday, May 28, 2007

"The Green Towel"

For a week now we have been going through a checklist of items for Josh to take with him this summer. Everything has to go into one item of luggage. Given that he leaves Friday morning and has a long concert Thursday, everything needs to be packed by Wednesday night. Now that his brother has returned from Europe, Josh can start to pack.

With that in mind I gave Josh a towel, not just any towel but “the green towel”. As it is not overly large or plush, it will not take up much room and will not take long to dry. This green towel is not just any towel mind you, but “the green towel”, the surviving towel in a pair. This towel has been around our home for years. It has seen service in the RV, and before that used in our two pop-ups. Before that it was with us on camping trips when we tented. It has been used around the house for years, including helping to dry our dogs when we bathed them. It has gone off to camps for a weekend or a week, and even to Europe last summer. It has been used to wrap around fine dishes and crystal through one move after another. This towel which has a long history has been used to wipe up water from large spills, broken pipes and leaking washing machines.

Through it all it has remained strong without a rip or stain. It was never a plush towel but “the green towel” has provided yeomen service and will do so for Josh this summer. My only request of Josh is that he brings it home in good order where it can be again placed into its hallowed place in the closet.

No doubt you are wondering what in the world is going on my head regarding “the green towel”. I will concede that I am a little touched in the head, but after all this is my blog. Though you have been intrigued enough to read to this spot, let me explain the rest of the story about “the green towel”. Though “the green towel” no longer sees regular service, it has a long history of faithful service back to the days when along with its mate was first given to me by Mom back in 1975 when I went to college.


Barbara said...

What happened to the green towel's mate???? It's so sad that after all these years, he/she is the only surviving partner. Very sad, indeed.

Christian said...

I have blue towel that I like very much. While its history is not as respectable as your green towel, I anticipate someday it will.

Evie said...

Barb: the green towel could never find another like its first love. It chose to remain single forever.

Dave said...

Barb, its mate sacrificed itself to George, our dog in St Marys, who loved to chew on things. While its mate has remained unmarried, it has our love.