Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Do You Believe the Claim?

Watch this video. Those who produced this video state that the ball is made up of 5 million lego blocks. Watch the video and decide if you think the claim is true.

I am not convinced that the claim is true. First, as the ball rolls no legos fly off. The stress of a ball that size would have legos flying off. Second the stress would cause large cracks to develop. Third, they are able to lift and roll the the ball to easily. Do the math, there are 188 lego blocks in a pound. Five million blocks would weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of of 2,600 lbs or 1.3 tons. Fourth, a 1.3 ton ball hitting a car would cause major damage to the car. Further, why would not the ball fall apart on impact?

Their claim defies logic. I suspect that a few thousand lego blocks were glued to some lightweight ball (styrofoam or inflatable ball).

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