Recently I watched clips from the old Dean Martin shows. Watching the clips two things keep standing out. First, from his actions, facial expressions and speech it appears to me that he had been imbibing. Second, his public reputation for drinking heavily was the foundation for too many sketches. A person’s heavy use of alcohol should never be the basis of humor as it only further enables such activity.
Martin had a deep and diverse connection into the heart of the Hollywood talent pool. He was known as a fun loving party guy, which would in my opinion may well be somewhat based upon his personality when he was intoxicated. Martin’s talent is undeniable. I loved his westerns and his stuff with Jerry Lewis. In other films, particularly in many of his later films, his work seems to be a little off. In looking at him in the old clips of his show I am left wondering how much further he could have gone if not been for alcohol.
Martin had a deep and diverse connection into the heart of the Hollywood talent pool. He was known as a fun loving party guy, which would in my opinion may well be somewhat based upon his personality when he was intoxicated. Martin’s talent is undeniable. I loved his westerns and his stuff with Jerry Lewis. In other films, particularly in many of his later films, his work seems to be a little off. In looking at him in the old clips of his show I am left wondering how much further he could have gone if not been for alcohol.
Fortunately, making light of one's drinking habits and alcohol addiction is not as socially acceptable as in the past. That said, we still have still have a way to go.
1 comment:
Martin was a very talented guy. He reminds me of Mickey Mantle. It boggles the mind to think what Martin and Mantle might have accomplished had they taken better care of themselves.
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