Friday, August 01, 2008

Josh's White Stache

Below is a picture of Josh's white stache taken last Saturday. He shaved off his mustache that morning (click on the picture to enlarge). The picture was taken between the afternoon and evening show while he was on the way to get his instrument from the row in the following picture. The Crossmen wear a special shirt the is designed to absorb sweat and to keep the torso from getting chilled during the body's post show cool down.

In the prior blog I also noted some of the features of the club level. Below is a picture of one of the lounge areas. Notice the number of plasma televisions.


Jenn said...

haha! GOT MILK??

Catharine said...

It will just take one sunny practice for that to change. A much nicer look!

Barbara said...

I love that picture of all the intruments by the bus.