Musical Weekend
This weekend Evie finds herself alone. Josh departed early Friday morning for San Antonio. I left mid morning for a mid afternoon meeting in Roanoke (4 hr drive) before going to New River (Christiansburg/Blackburg) for the weekend as part of their celebration and dedication of a new Corps building. Jonathan left very early Saturday morning as the National Capitial Band was participating in the New River weekend. Below are two pictures of Jonathan. The band put on an hour concert in the local mall. The last two pics gives you the setting for the concert.I have been assigned to be the photographer in New River. I have already taken nearly 700 pictures, but only saved about 475. More will be added this morning. Meanwhile Evie has been home helping out Friday and Saturday at Oakton High School with a musical event. Hence, in some way we are all involved in a musical event of some sort. We will come back together starting late afternoon around 5:30 when I arrive home. Jonathan should be in two and half hours after (he returns on the bus...I have my car), and Josh shortly thereafter would be arriving at National Airport. 
It's been a quiet weekend at home. I've enjoyed setting my own tempo (very slow) but I'm ready for you guys to get home tonight.
I see the band played at one of the choice locations in the mall. I like the shot of Brandond studiously ignoring the huge ad behind him!
how ironic that when we serenaded in the malls this christmas that we also stood in front of a lingerie store! it made for some god ribbing of the 13-year-old yp band members who were invited along for the experience
I'm so jealous of Evie getting to spend the weekend alone ... at home. That's the best present someone could give me!
Funny pics! The guys didn't seem to mind at all.
Barb - I like being home alone for a little while, but it gets boring after awhile.
I'll have several days to myself again at the end of April. Dave has a business trip, Jonathan and Joshua have band trips. Since they've got all the chaperones they need, I have lots of free time ahead. I'm already making plans.
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