As you can see mom and dad wore their Crossmen shirts to honor their son. Josh wore his Crossmen shorts and this year's Crossmen tour shirt.
Josh already has a spot for next year if he wants it. Yes, he wants it. Next year they go to marching Euphoniums which are five pounds heavier than the marching Baritones.
I am at the office Tue and Wed and return to Orkney Wed night. Evie is in charge of Senior day which is Thursday. Some of the seniors such as Justin who is one of his best friends had their hair done this afternoon in a Mohawk.
By the way, Josh says the Rose Bowl field was one of the worse fields they marched upon all summer. While it was flat, the grass was in poor condition and there were wholes in the grass all over the place....and there has not been a football game played on it since last season.
why didn't josh get a mohawk?
Josh looks a little tired. I'll bet he can't wait to sleep in.
The band director said he can sleep in any day he wishes. To date he has been up with everyone else.
Hopefully he won't be too tired for school this fall. As a teenager I loved camp although by the end of teh summer I was tired and then there was no time to recupe with school around the corner.
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