Once again Josh is away for the weekend. Last week he and I were in Orlanda and two weeks ago he was in Texas with the Crossmen. Friday when I took him to BWI (Baltimore-Washington International) he was feeling a little on the weather and slept most of the way. This is the last trip before moving-in at the end of the month.
When Josh leaves on May 30, he will not be home again until Christmas. Given that the DCI World Championships are a week before LSU’s marching band camp we will be driving from Indiana directly to LSU. Hence, besides preparing for his final exams Josh has to lay out on the top bunk everything to be packed into the RV for the trip to LSU.
We will see Josh over the summer. We will see him and the Crossmen perform in Erie PA on June 30. By then they will have had five shows under their belt. We hope that some of the Canadian branch of the family will be able to join us that night at the McDowell Gus Anderson field at the high school in Erie. A week before the season ends we will see Josh perform near home a month later on July 30 at the Warrenton High School. With Warrenton just 35 minutes from home there will be a large contingent from Oakton High to cheer on Josh. And then we will be at the World Championship at Indiana University.
To see selected pictures taken of last year’s Crossmen show click on the link
http://crossmenalumni.org/pages/2000s-photo-gallery.html and then click on the 2007 box.
I suspect that we fly to Baton Rouge to see Josh and LSU band perform in the fall.