This blog, which is my seventh in just over a week, is one that demands to be written and posted today. Two of the posts were reflections created by the transition that is taking place in our home with Josh going off to college.
Due to the day’s significance I am taking today as one of my two flouting holidays. Though I am not driving through traffic, as per my custom I am still up early. As I sit here a stream of images flow through my mind. The images include:
- A Sunday night in late April on a bus around 1 AM in the morning talking with a young woman as our band returned from its weekend trip.
- Being dressed in formal attire while enjoying a wonderful dinner at the Beaumont Inn in Harrodsburg KY where I learned only a year later what our waitress said to my roommate and his date about my date and myself.
- The writing of lengthy letters each day in the summer of 1978 and eagerly looking for letters in the mail (letters with coding on the outside to help me read them in the correct order…mine to hers had the same).
- A short statement uttered by my father in mid July 1978
- A July visit to Brampton by a young lady and our enjoying three sunsets in one evening at the CN Tower
- Long walks around the streets of Wilmore night after night just talking and holding hands
- An eventful September night when behind Evie’s dorm I was overwhelmed by the need to ask her to marry me, and to her accepting.
- Putting together a thoughtful plan to wed either in June 81 or December 80 only to have both sets of parents ask in November ‘78, “Why not this June?”
- The memorable day when I watched Evie walk escorted by her brother down the aisle and being oblivious to everyone around me and thinking I was the luckiest man in the world
- Many wonderful romantic mornings, afternoons and evenings over the years
- Long debates between Evie and I over social, religious and political issues of the day
- All the packing and unpacking we have done together over the years
- The anticipation and birth of Jonathan at Peel Memorial
- The night Jonathan called his grandparents, uncles and aunts to announce “I’m going to be a big brother.”
- The night Josh was born in Winnipeg and the next morning taking Jonathan to the hospital before he went to school so that he could see his mother and brother
- The family camping trips, including a summer long trip from Winnipeg to Newfoundland and back
- The pride welling up in my chest as I listened and watched Evie conduct her doctoral defense before five faculty members and then to hear them after a short adjournment address her as “Doctor Sears”. Months later feeling the same pride while watching her walk across the stage in Hancher Auditorium as she was presented with her parchment and public conferral.
- Various nights where only the two of us have enjoyed a lovely meal and night out, including two special nights this past December where again I felt deep pride and love for my wife
- Also, included in the stream of images are recollections of times when I have had to bow my head as I apologized for not being thoughtful and loving in word and/or deed, for not being as supportive as I should have been when Evie needed a shoulder to cry on, and her graciously accepting my contrition and showing boundless love in return.
- Evie’s look of disappointment when she learned that I was scheduled to umpire two baseball games on June 9, 1998.
- Etc.,
This is a day that I celebrate being married to a wonderful woman. I am fortunate that she accepted. The 9th of June 1979 is the day I married my soul mate, my lover and my best friend, and married above what I deserved then or even now. As then, and every day since, I cannot help but lover her with my total being. I am one fortunate man.