Sunday, December 06, 2009

The Difference Faith Makes in the Divorce Rate

When I was in college, a confidential survey was conducted by a Christian grad students at the University of Kentucky as part his PhD. He was studying whether faith made a difference in moral conduct. The survey focusing upon conduct over the past year and was being conducted at three evangelical colleges and five secular colleges. The short questionnaire asked about sexual activity from petting to intercourse, academic cheating, and the consumption of alcohol and drugs.

The survey was conducted in the spring with the results tabulated in the summer. The college said that they were going to make announce the results in the fall. The following fall, no results were announced not because the surveys were not tabulated but because the results shocked the administration. They were expecting to see a significant difference in the conduct of their students, and those who claimed to be evangelical Christians versus the “secular students.” The difference existed somewhat with regard to alcohol and drugs, but those differences could be explained away as being the impact of the college’s rules and somewhat segregated life.

I learned later that they administration was stunned that their students reported being engaged in academic cheating at a higher level than students on the secular campus. Also they were disappointed that their students were just as active sexually as their peers at the public universities. It appeared that Christian faith was not making a moral difference in the lives of their students.

There is a popular slogan that says, "The family that prays together, stays together." It is widely reported within the evangelical church that the divorce rate amongst Christians who attend church regularly is lower than those who do not, and that within the church, Evangelicals have the lowest divorce rate. Dr. Tom Ellis, chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Council on the Family as stated,"...born-again Christian couples who the church after having received premarital counseling...and attend church regularly and pray daily together..." experience only 1 divorce out of nearly 39,000 marriages -- or 0.00256 percent.

The figures quoted by Dr. Ellis appear to be impressive, but the figure is false. At the best his claim involves bold creative counting, such as the church that claims to have never had a member be divorce expelling people and withdrawing membership when the couple separate. Another shocking explanation is summarily and arrogantly dismissing that those who divorce were “not truly Christians" in the first place. At the worse, Dr. Ellis’ claim is a dishonest and bold fabrication used to hide what he knows as being true, that faith and regular attendance at church does not inoculate one from divorce, and that an argument could be made that it increases the likelihood of divorce.

In its survey on the subject the widely acclaimed evangelical Barna Research Group has found that the divorce rate within the church is higher than it is amongst atheists and agnostics. Further, Barna found that the divorce rate amongst Evangelicals to be higher than within any other segment of the church.

Evangelical and fundamentalists.... 34%
Baptists.... 29%
Mainline Protestants.... 25%
Mormons..... 24%
Catholics..... 21%
Lutherans.... 21%

Jews.... 30%
Atheists/Agnostics..... 21%

Other surveys have the divorce rate amongst “born again” Christians at 27% and those claiming to be Christians but not claiming to be “born again” as 24%.


Joanne said...

Years ago at a youth retreat when I was the youth leader, I removed a young man who was doing some sessions from doing any more. He was talking about relationships and kept stating that those who were in realtionships with people who did not practice their Christianity appropriately were themselves "not true Christians" and that they were headed to nothing but "grief", as God will not have sanctioned it. He then went on to name some families in the church that he felt set an example of having parents with "a true Godly relationship". There were several kids there who were truly upset and came to talk to me as they were concerned that their parentswere going to be "damned". It truly was a case of taking biblical verses out of context and putting an inappropriate spin on it. I had to do some work with those kids to assure them their parents were not "damned".

Jump ahead 8 - 10 years. Of the families where the parents were named as having a "truly Godly relationship", 3 of the 5 are now divorced. The scary parent, that young man is now an officer.

Barbara said...

I'm only shocked at the divorce rate thing. Personally I know of a lot of marriages that have ended with people who are outside the Church, but none that I can think of that are inside the Church.