Thursday, February 11, 2010

Palin and Teleprompters

Last weekend the current grand champion of the Republican right, Sarah Palin, at the Tea Party convention critized President Obama for using a teleprompter. In her folksy "awe shucks" manner questioned why a such an aclaimed public speaker would use such a device rather than speaking from memory or without any aids by speaking from the heart.

The gathered throng clapped and shouted at her comment. Take a look at the following pictures of Ronald Reagan, "Great Communicator", who the Republicans all but worship and quote his words as if they were holy writ. Maybe if Palin was half the critical thinker as the least critical thinker of modern Presidents she would realize a) why teleprompters, or speach cards (G.W. Bush) are used, and b) that she had also slammed Ronald Regan and every Republican President going back to Eisenhower.


Barbara said...

hahahahaha! And then she was caught with cheat notes written on her hand during an interview.
The joke is on her! hahahahahaha!!

Anonymous said...
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Evie said...

Sarah Palin is an idiot. What's worse are the idiots who think she should be president.

Catharine said...

Funny! Teleprompters don't bother me. Worse would be loosing your place during a speech with a key message. Stay on point Sarah!