Sunday, June 03, 2007

Gauley Rafting Carnage

With summer here Evie and I have wondered if we will get a chance to return to the Gauley this year. We will see if we can find the time.


Stephen said...

That does not look like fun to me! Too extreme for this guy!

Evie said...

Stephen: when you're approaching the rapids, you don't have time to think about what's coming, except, perhaps, a brief, stunned, "I've got to get through THAT?!!?" While going through the rapids you don't think, you just act. The adrenaline surges and all physical senses are on high alert. The other reality is, once you're in the raft and going down the river, there's no turning back - you've got to finish what you started. Even if you're scared numb, there's only one way out, and that's to go through to the finish.

Barbara said...

Looks awesome.