Sunday, October 15, 2006

Marching Cougars

Here is a picture of Josh's band, the Marching Oakton Cougars. This shot was taken last night around 10:30 and following the Oakton Classic. There were fifteen bands that competed. The bands ranged from 32 marchers to 195 marchers in size. Besides all going for grand champion, each competes by class size for various awards in their class.

Josh is somewhere in the crowd.


Barbara said...

so how did his band do?

Evie said...

Since Joshua's school hosted the competition, his band did not compete. They marched in exhibition at the end of the evening while the judges tabulated the scores for the competitors.

Dave and I were taking photos throughout the show, so it's difficult to say how they did. We think they did pretty well, but we weren't really watching or listening. We were busy framing shots, focusing, etc. They performed at around 10PM, so taking photos was more difficult than it is in the daytime.

Joanne said...

If you blow the picture up, you can see where the trombone section is. I have Josh nailed down to be one of 3.