As soon as they were young enough, I have involved the boys. I remember in Iowa City, Josh at the age of 6 being with me ringing the bell with gustro outside a grocery store. I am proud that my sons are involved in keeping the tradition alive.
Since moving to Washington Jonathan, Joshua and I have volunteered to staff a kettle for a full day. Normally we do the last Saturday before Christmas and the boys play their instruments....sometimes as a duet, more often solo while the other rests.
Below are pics of the boys outside one of the local Walmarts. We started at 8:45 and finished just over twelve hours later. We went through four kettles, including the big white pail. The only time the bell was rung was during a 25 minute stretch when the boys drove off to Burger King. Jonathan and Joshua were troopers.
Besides his lips being like rubber by the end of the day Jonathan's knee was killing him by the end of the day (he still has knee issues from when he blew it out five years ago). Though Joshua's lip was fine as he is use to playing longer, his arm and shoulder were very sore last night. Dad, well lets just say that I am walking this morning on tender feet.

The four kettles, without checks included, totaled $1,512 (with checks $2,512). I am proud of Jonathan and Joshua for volunteering the whole day, and for helping to fulfill the family tradition.
Can they hop on the Acela next year and help out a cousin??? LOL
We won't know our final numbers until Wednesday, but we exceeded our goal as of Monday the 18th.
Pleased to here you well surpassed your goal Christian. Several Corps here did so in NCV. Most of it comes down to the Officer and the effort they put in.
Ihaven't done kettles (standing on them) since I was a teenager. I still, however, go and play on them with the band.
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