Thursday, December 21, 2006

Some People Need to Really Get a Life and Then Some

Last night on the local news it was announced that a 5 yr old boy in Maryland has been suspended from school for sexual harassment. He pinched a girl on the behind. And the parents are filing against the boy’s parents and the school.

Five year olds have little to no understanding of sexuality or sexual activity. What in the world are we doing a society to saddle young children adult standards and phoebes? The problem is not the boy or the girl. The problem is adults over-reacting. Instead of using it as a teaching moment punitive action is taken that will scare both the young girl and boy for years to come. Instead of taking a deep breathe and realize that we are talking about two innocent kindergartners hypersensitive adults are ripping away their innocence before they have any understanding. Instead of having a balanced view, we have adults looking for a way to get money.

What are we teaching our children in the process? If you are offended or touched in a way that could be argued as inappropriate even if it is well beyond common sense understanding, look for a way to get the dollar. Go for the maximum. Work to tear away innocence because of adult sexual hang-ups. Get back by hitting the pocket book. Demand punishment and retribution.

In this situation is the antithesis of the Christmas message of peace and reconciliation toward our God and fellow human being.

Part of me hopes that one day the parents will find themselves will be subject of a law suit because their child has not behaved as an adult. Yet I major part of me hopes that when their child errors or does something that is innocent but viewed contrary that they will receive grace, forgiveness, calm reflection and understanding.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. When I first heard of it I was totally shocked. I just hope that this is all dismissed and that nothing ever comes of it.

At 5 what could they possibly know? Now in that same breathe does this mean I have a legal claim against my parents for all of the spankings I received as a child, or the people that I bump or bump me on the Metro system or in the malls .... if so .... let me just say now that I QUIT!!! I am looking forward to that big check in the mail from all the harrassment i have endured over these past 19 {smile} years.

Happpy Holidays!!

Joanne said...

Amen brother Dave!