Saturday, February 10, 2007


Only once or twice every two months will we go a day without receiving mail. Most days there are five to ten items in the box. After accounting for a third of the mail that is addressed to “occupant”, the next most popular recipient of mail is Joshua. Each day there is one or two letters or post cards from colleges within Virginia and outside the Commonwealth. Letters have come from distant colleges such as the University of Miami, University of Tennessee, Pennsylvania State, Rutgers, and Toledo. Most of the letters do not get beyond the first garbage can.

Once Josh gets into his senior year, the mailings will for the most part cease. In the meantime, there will be six to seven months college mailings to wade through.

A week ago I came home from a dinner meeting to find Evie and Josh out. Standing over the George Forman Jonathan was cooking his meal. I raised an eyebrow and proffered a comment when I saw he him withdraw from the grill and toss onto a plate the two and quarter pound London Broil that his mother purchased the Saturday before. Ten minutes later, there was not a scrap left. Evie has bought another to replace it. The four of us to share its replacement either tonight or tomorrow night.


Stephen said...

What college is Joshua thinking about?


2 1/4 pounds??!!! It's amazing how the metabolism rate of a young man can process things. I remember when I could eat like that but then at age 28 - my metabolism rate seemed to slow right down and I began to develop a gut.
Today, after being more conscience of my health and it's relationship to my metabolism rate, I can only dream of eating the vast amounts of food of a young man. That extra helping of potatoes makes a huge difference.

Dave said...

Josh's first two choices are James Madison in Harrisonburg (just under 1.75 hrs from home) and Virginia Tech in Blackburg (5 hours from home). Tech's campus is more beautiful of the two.

Barbara said...

Way to go Jonathan!!! You'd fit in well in my house.