Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day

Today is a day people have been encouraged to blog on the environment. I for one am disturbed by the attitude of the controlling elements of the Republican Party who deny that global warming is taking place or if they do admit it is happening dismiss it as much to do about nothing. What is more alarming for me is the fundamental wing of the Church and a good part of the evangelical wing also dismissing the issue.

These religious officials and Republican hacks have demonized Al Gore’s efforts to draw attention to the issue. His winning of the Nobel Peace Prize has brought forth venom that is unwarranted. For years these same officials argue that global warming is part of a historical pattern. They note that at various stages Northern Europe experienced years of warmth that allowed crops that traditionally grew in the south to be grown in northern areas. This may well be true but their response leaves three questions unanswered:

1.) Is it possible that emissions from vehicles and power plants are enhancing the climate change? Is suspect human activity is increasing the climate change beyond historical swings.

2.) What is wrong with improving the quality of the air we breathe and the water we drink? What is wrong with protecting wetlands and protecting our forests? The Church should be crying out that all God’s created order should be protected. Instead those who maintain they cherish the Word of God more than other wings of the Church are the first discard concern for the created order. Instead the attitude is that it is entirely proper for humanity to pillage and rape the world God has provided as humanity goes forth to be fruitful and multiply.

3.) What are the risks if those who deny global warming are wrong as against what are the risks if they are right? It takes far longer to clean a river, lake and the air than it does to pollute them. Time and time again we have discovered that the costs of clean-up are far more costly than judicious preventative measures.

Let us open our eyes to what is happening around us. Let us work together to protect our environment. One step such as computerized lights on major commute routes that facilitate inbound traffic in the morning and outbound in the evening is one simple step to cut down on idle time, thereby decreasing vehicle emissions (instead politicians argue for spending far more money to widen roads). Other steps could include helping to facilitate the development and distribution of bio-fuels.

1 comment:

Evie said...

I'm not surprised that we both wrote about air quality and traffic in northern Virginia. Your idea about regulating better traffic flow is good. I also like my idea of making alternative means of commuting, i.e., cycling, more viable.