Reflective Wanderings - Reflections on various topics that arise out of my personal, life and professional experiences. There are also are some family related news, travels and pictures.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
An Effective Ad - Not! - But One That Would Be
Following is an advertisement from 1919. Whoever designed this item was out of touch with reality. If you were a guy and drank would their promise persuade you?
I can hear young men sitting seeing this ad and saying, "I'll start drinking if it will keep these ladies from kissing me."
Now something more along the lines of the following would have made a more persuasive impact.
i have a funny feeling that after drinking a bunch of homemade moonshine the ladies in the first photo may have ended up looking like the ladies in the second!
they really should have picked better looking women for this ad, LOL!
No wonder they had to try prohibition on a national scale - those sour faces probably sent the gents running to the nearest bar.
The second ad, which you added in your update, possibly would have mad being a non-drinker more enticing.
i have a funny feeling that after drinking a bunch of homemade moonshine the ladies in the first photo may have ended up looking like the ladies in the second!
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