Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Curb to Curb Buses

You only have to drive around the federal downtown in late May to early June to know the end of the school year is at hand. In the fall there will be seventy to eighty tour buses running around town. In April that number doubles. In the last five weeks of the school year, we have wall to wall buses taking up almost every curb side. Needless to say, trying to get a moderately priced hotel room is impossible as they are all booked up with school groups.

DC has two downtowns…the federal downtown which is the area of the federal buildings, the museums, Capital Hill, White House and no shopping…..and K Street which is lobbyist and lawyer row with shopping.

The shortest lines in the museums and on Capital Hill are between the second week of December to the second week of January.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

we used to get all of the kids on school trips in the ER when i worked downtown. we used to get a lot from the southern states and they would be irritated at how "cold" it was