Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Marching in the Sprinklers

Below is taken from a blog on the Crossmen site. Josh during my conversation mentioned the event and that they just kept going even as they were getting dripping wet. As it was well over 90, many found the water to be refreshing. I will let your imagination picture what happened.

A funny thing happened the other day during the afternoon hornline visual block. We were learning drill for the ballad, and the particular segment we were running has the hornline spread across the entire backfield, an all down the endzone line on side 1 of the field. All of the sudden, the sprinklers in the side 2 endzone came on. This wasnt so bad, except for the 2 people at the end of the line down there, so we kept going. After about 5 minutes, those sprinklers shut off, and the side 1 sprinklers turned on. This is where it got interesting. The entire line on that endzone was getting soaked, but still that was only a handful of people, so Darryl kept on pushing us through rehersal, until finally, those shut off, and the sprinklers on the back sideline came on. This was chaos. There was a mad dash to get people's drill binders, backpacks, and my long ranger out of the spray radius. We really had to get this drill learned, so we pushed through. As people were marching through the spray getting blasted in the face, I had an idea to put these big trashcans over the sprinkler heads. This worked temporarily, despite the remote flooding around the sprinkler heads, until the sprinklers in the MIDDLE of the field turned on. Exhasperated, and frustrated, we ran off the field into the parking lot and set up a basics block while I helped the field liners touch up our second field. The rest of the rehersal ended up being very intense and focused, despite all the confusion and we got done what we needed to get done.


Stephen said...

That is really funny!!

Barbara said...

LOL! I'll bet it was a welcome relief in the heat.

Evie said...

I got a kick out of this story. LOL! That's the kind of stuff that makes lifelong memories.