Monday, September 03, 2007

Barnum Bailey Is Still Right

This fall season ABC has a new reality show. They put a group of kids between the ages of 13 and 17 (or 18?) together for forty days in a dessert town without supervision. They were to govern themselves and could do whatever they wanted. Everything was recorded for the show.

Parents had to sign a contract that absolved the producers, owners of the land, the network and all persons associated with the show from legal action even if their child was raped, became pregnant or HIV positive and for any physical or emotional damage that may result.

I am aghast at what parents would be willing to allow in order for their children to get on television. I for one will not watch the show one minute as it rewards such behavior of parents and the network. Regrettably the show will be a hit across the US and Canada. What Barnum T. Bailey said over a century ago is never more true today. There are suckers born every second, suckers who put their kids in such a position and suckers who watch it. It also indicates that we have very
openly debased thinking people in the offices of major networks and not just in tabloids.


Jenn said...

WHAT?!?!?!?!? rape, hiv and other injuries???? how desperate are these people?

Stephen said...

When I read about this in the paper last week, I shuttered at the latest depths of our society's depravity! There is a loophole in the state law (that has now been filled since this has happened) that allowed for this level of child abuse to ocurr without fearing the recourse of the law. I believe every child received $5000 to be in this debacle.

To think that our society is drawn to such a thing is sad indeed.

Joanne said...

To me, that's child abuse. I don't care if the child states they "want" to be a part of a show such as this, it is the parent's responsibility to protect the child from such harm as much as they possibly can. These parents should be held accountable for knowingly exposing their child to these potential dangers. this is one show I definately will not be watching

Barbara said...

I'm stunned!!!!!

Evie said...

What kind of sick creeps would have looked for a legal loophole to do this? And what kind of morally bankrupt parents would allow their kids to be involved in it? This is utterly disgusting, depraved and despicable.