The other day it dawned upon me that the 15.1 mile trip to the office was a very pleasant one, both time and scenery. My route along Arlington Ave goes through mainly residential areas with a few sections of office buildings and strip malls. Along the way there is plenty of green space. There is no blight or industrial sections. The end of the trip parkland dominates the trip. Below are some pics I took Monday through the windshield.
The first is coming into the heart of Arlington as comes out of 5 miles of residential areas. The second is an old pic of the Marine Corps Memorial, which is a monument I pass on the way to the office.

The above is part of the George Washington Parkway that I travel along after leaving Arlington Ave. Below is coming out of the GW Parkway by the Arlington Cemetary before crossing the Potomac. Up the hill you will see the old Robert E Lee Mansion that is at the center of Cemetary. The last, behind the bridge is Kennedy Center which is just before I take a ramp into our building a quarter mile later.

Above the sight that I see crossing the river...the Lincoln Memorial. The following two is the river I travel along after crossing the bridge. The second, you can see Georgetown in the distant, and the spirs of George Washington University.
You do have a nice drive when traffic is not snarly. The VA and DC portions of my old commute to GP County were pretty too, especially in the mornings. It was awesome to watch the sun coming up over the all of those famous monuments and memorials. The MD leg was the pits, as it took me through some of the less attractive neighborhoods in the area.
My current commute is not bad. It takes 1/3 the time of the old one and is mostly through nice suburban neighborhoods.
just don't get too distracted looking at all the nice sites and views!
Barb, the funny thing is that I only recently realized that it was a lovely drive.
looks better than my drive of a casino and gas stations.
Thanks for the tour! It's a great drive. A lot of distractions though.
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