Second is a picture of the band moving along the parade route. The third is part of the trombone second...note Josh in the second row of the picture, second in. Last is the a great shot of Josh in his uniform. With his eyes front (Crossmen training in evidence) is Josh with his goatee and his marching trombone.
These pictures were taken by a friend of mine who was in the downtown area as the parade went past. Knowing Josh was in the band, this gracious southern belle jumped out of her car, leaving her mother, brother and sister-in-law stunned when she stopped the car in the street, grabbed her camera, ran down the road and then along the side of the band to take pictures of the band just hoping that one of the pictures captured Josh.
Thank you Perry....the pictures were excellent.

Perry did a great job, especially considering she was shooting on the run.
Man, you have your spies everywhere, lol!
Barb....are you surprised that those who live in Washington DC have spies everywhere.
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