As you will notice that worshippers who enter Sundays to worship at this Episcapal Church (Anglican for those north of the boarder) walk past the graves of past parishioners. I find the idea of walking past the graves of the past saints and one's foreparents on the way to worship to be theologically warming.
St. Mary Ann's is an old church and the congregation meets weekly. This is the original building that was erected in 1742 to replace the first parish church erected in 1718. The communion set, pulpit Bible and Book of Common Prayer presented to the Church by Queen Ann of England in 1718 are still used in special services. This church is a powerful reminder that we are merely the contemporary stewards of the faith and that we are standing upon the shoulders of those saints who have before us.

i don't know.....i find it a little creepy
In the left window you will see a set of stairs to a balcony. The balcony is where the slaves and other endentured servants would have been seated when the church was originally built.
An interesting piece of history. That's one thing we lack in The Salvation Army as we constantly turn over buildings.
There is a town near my folks called Northeast, Pennsylvania. also in NE Pennsylvania.
It is the last exit on I-90 before crossing the NY state line, or the first exit in PA depending on one's travel direction.
Chris - I sort of understand the logic behind the name of Northeast, PA, as it is near the northeast end of PA's little tail on Lake Erie, but the fact is, it is located at the western end of the state! In my mind, northeastern PA borders New York and New Jersey, not New York and Ohio.
gorgeous old church
Thats right! I feel stupid now! It is in NW Pa, but is in the NE corner of that little tail that extends between New York and Ohio.
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