Last evening as I was driving into Danville the sky to the south west was filled with a beautiful sunset (Danville is 5 miles from NC/VA boarder). It reminded me of the above picture that I downloaded this past weekend and printed off to hang in my office.
This picture was taken years ago while we were camping at Blue Lake Provinicial Park in Ontario. This remote northern lake is one of my favorite areas. I would just love to have a house on the northeast corner of the lake. Our campsite overlooked the lake and through the tall pine trees we watched the sunset as we sat around the campfire.
As we were well to the north and it was July, the picture was taken around 11:15.
Wow 11:15 at night! One of the things about living in New England is that we are so far east that a picture like that would have to be taken between 8:30 and 9:00. In fact, Maine was considering joining the Atlantic Time Zone that NB and I believe PEI are in. I don't think that ever materialized.
Northern Ontario is one of my favorite areas on earth. Blue Lake is beautiful: clear, cold and isolated. It's a lovely area for camping.
there's nothing like an ontario summer sumset
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