I drive this highway nearly every day as it is the one that fronts our complex. I have driven every mile of this highway and have come to know it well. Sunday, on my way back from Lynchburg (3 hour trip) I started to notice the various highway signs posted along the way. I was struck by the number of one particular sign.
This sign is by far the most numerous sign along the whole route. Can you guess what sign it is?
No it is not the speed limit sign. The sign in question outnumbers the speed limit signs by more than 20 to one.

If you drive along the highway you will only see the backside of the sign. To see the front of the sign you have to look in your rearview mirror or at the two lanes on the other side of the divided highway. As the road is a two lane highway in both directions the sign appears in pairs. Below is the sign.

OK. Fess up. Were you taking those pictures while driving??
lol - i was jsut about to ask that!
I don't want to drive with you! Taking pictures while driving!!! You've been busted!
I'm not going to fess up just as I will not fess up on the the highest max ever recorded on my GPS.
next time I'm in the neighbourhood and we go for dinner, I'm driving!
Barb, I noticed the white knuckles the last time you rode with me...and I was going slower than normal then. Evie has long gotten over the white knuckles. That said I have been doing better lately...I do not recall going over 90 in the past month. Contrary to rumors, triple digits are not common LOL.
You overlooked all of the gorgeous scenery along US29 to take pictures of road signs? I'm married to a philistine!
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