Thursday, August 31, 2006

This Weekend

This weekend our family will be camping. As tomorrow is a vacation day Josh and I will be departing at noon following the conclusion of the marching band practice. Evie was going to arrive tomorrow evening along with Jonathan. Now she will be arriving alone as Jonathan has a farewell party on Saturday for a person from at the Day Care Center who is taking another position. Jonathan will arrive later.

We are camping at Greenbrier State Park ( ) near Hagerstown MD...about an hour’s drive from home. Maryland state parks are some of the best state parks we have visited. I am pleased that we will not be under canvas as we are going to get some heavy rain Friday evening.

We hope that the rain will be over by noon Saturday so that we can still go to a ballgame in the evening as we have box seats for the Hagerstown Suns baseball game. Evie and I enjoy minor league games more than the majors. They are more intimate and the players constantly hustle. As the players are still honing their skills there are more errors which add an extra unexpected element to the game.

What is behind the heavy rain means I will have with me my disaster response gear. This afternoon all emergency response crews and incident command staff went on alert. The heart of the tropical storm Ernesto arrives in the division around noon tomorrow in the northern VA area early evening. Arriving in the area around the same time from the west is a major storm front. So we have two heavy rain laden storms converging in our area. We are preparing for major localized flooding. My cell will be on all weekend. We all hope that we find that there was much to do about nothing.

To the side I have posted the as the “interesting link” the link to the national hurricane center. It has been a link on my office and personal computer for years. We use it to track various storms.


Jenn said...

you are brave to go camping in that rain. we had to cancel our camping for the weekend because of incoming ernesto. and hagerstown sounds familiar for some reason...

Evie said...

It doesn't take a whole lot of courage to camp in our RV. We take all the conveniences of home with us. To tell the truth, we're less likely to have a power outage on the road than at home. Go figure!

Ah yes, you remember the HAA-A-A-GERSTOWN SU-U-U-NNNNNSSS!!

When we saw the Suns last year, I was disappointed that the announcer did not have the same pizzazz as the one we remembered.

Catharine said...

I was a rainy weekend here - Most campers came home early. I heard there was a lot of flooding in the US - hopefully you were spared in the DC area.

Dave said...

The Hagerstown Suns hold a special place in my heart. The Suns was the first every minor baseball game I ever attended.