An Oklahoma church, Windsor Hills Baptist Church, has a unique evangelistic hook and tool to attract teens to a week-long youth event and revival. Along with volleyball, swimming, skating, singing and preaching, attendees learn to shoot handguns and semi-automatic weapons. Not only can these teens learn to shoot these powerful weapons but the church proudly advertises that one of the teens will be going home with a AR-15 semi-automatic rifle.
The youth pastor explained that the shooting of weapons and the give-away was a means to help attract teens to attend the event. Some of the attendees were coming from as far away as Canada. Apparently the video on the church’s web site promoting the event showed teens from last year’s event shooting at objects using semi-automatic weapons.
Needless the say there has been a flood of negative attention upon the church. With the flood of attention, and an hour after the story broke on the local evening news, the church announced the shooting event and give-away will not happen because the man who was running the event injured his foot. The video of the prior year and the announcement about the guns was also quickly pulled from the web site.
what's next? "come to church and do a line of coke!"
Scary! Sure makes Christianity look desparate. What kind of message does that send?!
I am agast........the message of Christianity is peace and love. Guns are based on war and hate. Talk about a contradiction in theology!!!!
Ah, Joanne, you apparently are not too familiar with Southern culture. Christians (and the South is filled with god-fearing Baptists, Pentecostals, etc.) are supposed to carry a gun in one hand and a Bible in the other.
That's awesome. Too bad the church canceled the event. I guess they didn't want to upset all the sheeple.
Some people are just so damn unenlightened.
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