Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Where In the World Is Josh - The Game

Where in the world is Josh? Today he is in the Boston area. Tomorrow he is in Bristol Rhode Island. Last night he was in Glens Falls NY, the day before Erie PA and the day before that Madison WI.

Where in the world is Josh also refers to where is he on the field. Below are some pictures. Can you find him. To help you in your quest are two pictures taken at the end of the evening just prior to the Encore. In the first, the group in the red are the Boston Crusaders who performed America the Beautiful with the Crossmen before Crossmen did selections from their show and Russian Christian Music.

Can you spot him during the march onto the field. Two hints, he is easily seen and he is not in the very back of the horn line (Contra-bases) or in the front (Trumpets).

Can you find him here just as their show is about to start?

He is in the scrum. To give you a hint, see the second picture. He is one of the last to enter on the left of the picture.

We have yet to find Josh in the following three. Maybe you can find him.


Jenn said...

i know i know! the one in the black and white suit!

Joanne said...

Just look for the kid with the scruffy beard........the dark one that is

Barbara said...

He's one of the shorter ones.

Dave said...

By clicking on the picture you can see a little more detail. Unfortunately the only way to zoom is to same the picture and view it in a picture view program.

In the march in picture, Josh is three rows in front of the snare line on the outside on the camera side. On the set-up picture (the second), Josh is on the 41.5 yard line, behind the flag and two in front of the small base drum. In the third set, the cluster, Josh is one of the last baritones coming into the formation. He is the between the second and third contra bases (counting from the left), or the fifth baritone from the left (excluding the baritone on the end of the contra line).

Joanne...he is scruffy looking. At the end of the show they all look beat. In eleven minutes they put out so much energy and sweat that many of them loose 4 to 8 lbs. At points in this show they are taking 180 to 200 steps per minute. They all hydrate once they leave the field, which is critical on hot nights.